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雲薈廳借用要點 Borrowing Guidelines for the Library Art Mosaic Hall

  • 資料來源:雲林科技大學圖書館
  • 日期:2023/11/01

105.06.27   104學年度第10次擴大館務會議審議通過

一、 國立雲林科技大學圖書館雲薈廳為使空間及設備資源共享,提供校內外團體借用服務。

二、 為符合圖書館雲薈廳推廣多元藝文活動服務暨師生成果發表交流之場地使用目的,校、內外團體於申請策展活動,請配合下列規定事項:

1. 優先提供圖書館及校內單位使用,如教育部計畫成果發表、行政單位、教學單位、社團 暨師生創作發表展示。
2. 校外團體為推廣圖書館服務及藝文展覽活動,請以公函簽辦核可後借用。
3. 不符合借用注意要項:

三、 展場佈置:申請單位需提供場佈示意圖檔經本館審核同意後,自行負責佈置;於展出前一日完成佈展,展覽作品應於結束次日撤場,展出期間本館不負保管責任。

四、 申請人應依本館規定使用場地,如不依規定使用而致使場地有所損壞者,申請人應負賠償責任。

五、 展出之請柬、海報等文宣資料,由申請人自行印製。

六、 展出作品之包裝、運輸及保險由申請人自行負責。

七、 申請人如欲舉辦開幕、茶會、剪綵等儀式,請與本館協調辦理。

八、 展覽期間,申請人應派員在場維護作品及向參觀者解說,並請注意禮貌態度,展覽結束後應負責清理場地,恢復原狀。

九、 本要點如有未盡事宜,由本館與申請單位主管協議之。

十、 本要點經館務會議通過,陳請館長核定後實施,修正時亦同。


June 27th, 2016 Approved in the 10th expanded library affairs meeting in 104 academic year.

I. The YunTech Library provides an exhibition hall to be used temporarily both external and internal groups to fulfill the purpose of sharing the library space, facilities, and resources.

II. In order to meet the requirements of using the library exhibition hall as a venue to hold various artistic and cultural activities for faculty and students to showcase their achievements in the Art Mosaic of the Library, both the internal and the external groups or organizations applying for exhibition activities should comply with the following guidelines:

1. Submission of application form and event plan:
When it comes to the application of the venue for display or exhibition purposes, all campus organizations or off-campus organizations should complete the application form and the activity proposal together with the provision of the digital graphic files for review before the application is approved.

2. Principle of borrowing exhibition hall

(1) We consider the application of the venue made by the YunTech Library and all campus units as a priority. Events include the performance presentation assigned by the Ministry of Education and those organized by the university’s major administrative units, the university’s teaching and instruction units, and the university’s clubs, along with teachers' and students’ own creation works done for presentation.
(2) In order to promote the library services and the art exhibitions or activities, off-campus organizations should sign up and receive approval by submitting the official document before use.
(3) Disqualifications:

A. Violations of law or YunTech regulations
B. Situations with safety concerns
C. Inconsistent with the original application content
D. Other situations which are deemed to be unsuitable for readers

III. Exhibition layout:
Applicants are required to provide a venue layout schematic file for the purpose of review and approval. They also should complete the layout the day before the beginning of the exhibition, and the art exhibition should be removed the next day after the end of the exhibition. The Library will not be responsible for custody during the period of the exhibition.

IV. All applicants shall use the venue in accordance with the regulations. If the venue is damaged due to not in accordance with the regulations, applicants shall be liable for compensation.

V. All applicants are requested to print their own invitation cards, posters, and other promotional materials.

VI. Applicants are held accountable for the package, shipment and insurance of the artworks on display.

VII. If applicants would like to organize an opening ceremony, a tea party, a ribbon-cutting ceremony, etc. Please contact the YunTech Library staff.

VIII. During the period of the exhibition, applicants shall dispatch staff to maintain the artworks and explain to the visitors, and please be courteous. After the exhibition, applicants should be in charge of cleaning up and restoring the venue to the original status. During the exhibition period, the applicant should assign staff to maintain the works and explain to visitors, pay attention to polite manners, and be responsible for cleaning the venue and restoring it to its original state after the exhibition ends.

IX. If there are any matters not mentioned in These Guidelines, the Director of YunTech Library will negotiate with the supervisor of the applicant unit.

X. These regulations are implemented by the Library Affairs Meeting after being approved by the Director of the Library. The same applies to the amendments to be made in this regard.
